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Try our New Process

Please follow these guidelines to check how to do it

  • When you click or press the button at the bottom of this page, you will access a sample purchase checkout page

  • On this sample Checkout Page, you will notice two information fields to be provided: Phone number and CPF

  • Fill them with your own Mobile number and a number with 11 digits (any number) on the CPF field.

  • Then click or press the button CONTINUAR

  • When you test for the first time, you will receive a message by WhatsApp on your phone asking you to download, install and activate our InproApp app

  • In sequence InproApp opens and will ask you to confirm your mobile phone number and your ID

  • After you do that, you will receive a SMS with a code to confirm that the phone number you informed is really the one of your mobile

  • Once you confirm, you will receive your purchase data to confirm that it is yours

  • Then you will have the experience of paying with your card and your pin

    (**) See bellow how to pay with your phone , touching with your card

  • When you test again, you will no longer need to confirm your phone again, you will receive your purchase data directly on your phone

  • Finally, if you wish to collaborate, send us your comments to adjust our service to what you believe would improve it

  • We thank you for trying our new payment service and for the comments you may send us

(**) How to pay with your phone
touching with your card
  • Tap your phone with your credit/debit card to start the payment

  • The sensor is usually at the back of the phone

  • When your card is read by your phone, it will vibrate. Keep the card in the same position until your phone asks that you key in your PIN

  • If it takes a while for the card to be read by the phone, try touching the card to another part of the phone again, as the position varies depending on the phone brand and model.

  • When you get to the screen to key in your PIN:
    (This is just a simulation test)

    >> Key in PIN = 1111, to get "APROVED""

    >>Key in a PIN ending in 3, to get "WRONG PIN, TRY AGAIN"

    >> Any other PIN, to get "BANK DENNIED IT"

To test, just click or press on the button below